SatoshiFaces: The Ending of Chapter One.

5 min readApr 29, 2021


For those of you who aren’t familiar with SatoshiFaces, they are an NFT digital art collectible comprising of 4999 unique artworks based on the Ethereum blockchain.

Having launched on the 5th of April 2021, Faces went through a successful 16-day private sale selling over 2500 pieces (half of the total artwork supply) to 600+ holders. During this time we also experienced impressive organic growth on our social media platforms with @SatoshiFaces Twitter impressions hitting 177,000 with 33,500 unique profile visits at the time of writing. Our strong Discord and Telegram channels have allowed us to develop a strong community ethos with both users and the team being able to interact openly and engagingly.

We have together enjoyed the process of receiving and unlocking artworks with valued community members deciphering (with surprising accuracy) rarity statistics of explicit elements within the artworks before their official release.

SatoshiFaces were never intended to be merely artworks, but rather the interactive foundation of a wider story. Currently, we have proceeded through Chapter 1: The introduction or as many of the community have aptly named it “Genesis”. This chapter has seen the introduction of 6 characters; Pioneer, Innovator, Feline, Idol, Ape and finally Architect. Users have, as was intended, picked their favourites. We have also had a first glimpse at the variety of worlds and items that will form a part of the ongoing story arc.

Always ones to be on the forefront of change and innovation, we are delighted to reveal the next part of the long-planned story. On 27th of April 2020 we saw the unlocking of a special animated piece, the Rocket Launch, which left our beloved main characters behind on Earth. This action also started a new 16-day countdown that marks the last days that SatoshiFaces in this style and format will ever be sold! At either the timer elapsing or 3,000 artworks being minted the sale process will pause.

SatsoshiFaces has always been about a slow reveal, an unfolding story, with hidden elements to be discovered and savoured. The second Chapter of the story will witness an evolution to the pieces with changes designed once again by Ed Merlin Murray. Explicit rarity statistics won’t be changed so all rarity characteristics will remain intact, however there will be new visible changes to the Chapter 2 pieces.

Chapter 2 artworks will be released later this summer, commencing with a one week distribution period similar to the initial release. Public sales will resume at 0.4 ETH. This means, in essence, that the collection is split into two halves with each offering collectors additional innate rarity. There will only ever be a maximum of 3000 “Genesis” Faces. There will only ever be a maximum of 1999 Chapter 2 Faces.

SatoshiFace Sale Schedule

What is going to happen whilst we wait for Chapter 2? Well fortunately we have lots in store.

While we eagerly await for the unveiling of Chapter 2, we continue to be hard at work building value and utility for the community as a whole;

  • New incentives will be added to promote secondary sales on both OpenSea and Rarible. A strategic emphasis will be placed on encouraging and promoting trading volume in the secondary markets ahead of the release of Chapter 2.
  • SFT Liquidity providing incentives will be added. Once the countdown reaches 0 the team will open up the Uniswap pool and incentivize members to add liquidity. (Incentives will be detailed soon).
  • Increased SFT utility on the SatoshiFaces platform. During this time we will be adding additional features and functionality all redeemable with the use of SFT to increase user utility for the token. This will begin with the introduction of custom 3D galleries.
  • Special 3D virtual galleries will be developed by the creative team at SaotshiFaces with some of London’s leading designers. These showrooms will vary in complexity and allow users to showcase their artworks in a completely immersive way. Rooms will be made in limited batches and be purchasable exclusively with SFTs. Partnering up with a pre-existing solution will allow us to have SatoshiFaces virtual gatherings, galleries and auctions where multiple people can join via their MetaMask ID and interact in a metaverse environment together.
  • Creation of Character Factions. As was anticipated members of our core community have already created groups or factions dependant on the characters they own. This will be further developed on our Discordchannel, with users joining a faction reliant on which character they own. Fortunate owners of more than one character will be able to choose a faction they wish to be associated with. This marks the start of rounds of gamification and will also allow the members of each faction to learn more about their specific character, its traits and exciting new sub-plots.
  • Chapter 2 teases and developments. During this time the storyline surrounding Satoshi’s World will be developed with further information regarding what we have seen thus far culminating with a rocket launch to what we will expect to see in Chapter 2. The storyline will be written in the form of a short story viewable on the SatoshiFaces website.
  • Further Community Development. During this time we will also work to increase our presence in the wider community by continuing engagement on all forms of social media and furthering marketing efforts. This will in turn help bolster our secondary market sales and allow us to have the necessary following for a successful Chapter 2 launch.

In conclusion, as we continue on this pioneering journey we are excited to bring forth a fitting end to Chapter 1 and an exciting new story in Chapter 2. For those looking to purchase any additional faces in the current form, please know that the countdown has begun after which they will never be available again to be purchased as Genesis sales from the website. To watch the first mini trailer of what is expected in Chapter Two please visit: and watch as additional segments are revealed every 2 days.

Chapter 2: Trailer

Thank you to our amazing community for all of your support thus far, we hope that you are as excited and eager as we are for the Chapter ahead!

The SatoshiFaces Team




“Faces” is a collection of 4999 unique digital collectible artworks. This iteration marks the start of the first NFT ecosystem of its kind.